Doula Care
Birth Doula services at Vis Tree are provided by Dr. Jennifer Keller, whose goal as your Doula is to help you have an empowered, safe and satisfying childbirth experience. She is committed to helping parents define their deep vision for their birth while supporting them in creating the environment for that to unfold. Overall, she believes that it is a woman’s right to birth her baby where, with whom and how she wishes.
Jennifer acknowledges the incredible power of the birth experience. Every birth she attends is an honour that she is very grateful to be a part of. She hopes to offer positive, safe, and loving energy to each and every birth she attends.
Jennifer also believes that the birthing woman’s partner is the most important birthing team member and is present to support both mother and partner in the way that is most appropriate for them. Every birth is a highly unique experience requiring unique needs, and Jennifer’s role is to support the labouring mothers experience in every way that she can. That can be very directly with hands-on support, or it can be with gentle direction to the birth partner in how they can support the labouring woman through the birth. The birth experience is a wonderful time of connection and love, and Jennifer is present to support this connection so that more energy may be dedicated to the birth.
Together with the birth partner and mother, she is skilled in supporting everyone to meet the challenges of labour one contraction at a time.
For more information about Birth Doulas, please visit

The Benefit of a Doula
Research has shown that there are MANY benefits to having a doula at your birth. There are also thousands of women who can attest to the significant benefit they experienced from having doula support at their birth.
These benefits include:
Increased likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
Shorter labour time with less complications (averaged 40 minutes shorter labour with doula support)
Decreased likelihood for the need or request of pain medications and epidurals
Less likely to require forceps or vacuum assisted delivery
Decrease in risk for C-section
Reduced use and need for Pitocin (oxytocin)
Reduced negative feelings about the birth experience
Less likely for babies to have lower Apgar scores at birth
D., M. P. Corry, et al. (2002). “The nature and management of labor pain: executive summary.” Am J Obstet Gynecol 186(5 Suppl Nature): S1-15.
Hodnett, E. D., S. Gates, et al. (2012). “Continuous support for women during childbirth.” Cochrane database of systematic reviews: CD003766.
Hofmeyr, G. J., V. C. Nikodem, et al. (1991). “Companionship to modify the clinical birth environment: effects on progress and perceptions of labour, and breastfeeding.” British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 98(8): 756-764.