Vis Tree Birth
The journey of pregnancy is unique for every woman. Excitement, fear, frustration and joy are some of the many emotions experienced around this time. Vis Tree Birth is here to support you on your journey. Whether that is fertility, pregnancy care or after delivery, we are here for YOU. Education and support around optimal health and nutrition are integral throughout the entire journey of pregnancy from pre-conception to post partum. There are so many ways to support a woman and family through this precious time. At VisTree Birth, we currently offer LABOUR DOULA SUPPORT for expecting mothers. In November 2015, we will be adding Naturopathic Pre-conception, Pre-natal, Post-natal and Fertility Care. Click on the links below to learn more about the differences of care and how each will benefit you through your pregnancy journey.
Do you want to be supported throughout your pregnancy and birth ? Click here to birth with us!
Doula Care
Doula services wtih Vis Tree are provided by Jennifer. Jennifer’s goal as your Doula is to help you have an empowered, safe and satisfying childbirth experience. She is committed to helping parents define their deep vision for their birth and support them in creating the environment for that to unfold. Overall, she believes that it is a woman’s rite to birth her baby where, with whom and how she wishes.
Jennifer acknowledges the incredible power of the birth experience. Every birth she attends is an honor that she is very grateful to be a part of. She hopes to offer positive, safe, and loving energy to each and every birth she attends.
Jennifer believes that the birthing woman’s partner is the most important birthing team member and is present to support both mother and partner in the way that is most right for them. Every birth is a different experience, with different needs and Jennifer’s role is to support the laboring mothers experience in every way that she can. That can be very directly with hands on support, or it can be with gentle direction to the birth partner in how they can support the labouring woman through the birth. The birth experience is a wonderful time of connection and love and Jennifer works to support that, not interfere. Together with the birth partner and mother, she is skilled in supporting everyone to meet the challenges of labour one contraction at a time.
To read more about what the profession and role of doula is, please read What Is A Doula?

The Benefits of Having A Doula at Your Birth
Research has shown that there are MANY benefits to having a doula at your birth. There are also hundreds of women who can attest to the huge benefit they found from having doula support at their birth. Benefits include:
Increased likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth
Shorter labour time with less complications (averaged 40 minutes shorter labour with doula support)
Decreased likelihood for the need or request of pain medications and epidurals
Less likely to require forceps or vacuum assisted delivery
Decrease in risk for C-section
Reduced use and need for pitocin
Reduced negative feelings about the birth experience
Less likely for babies to have lower Apgar scores at birth
D., M. P. Corry, et al. (2002). “The nature and management of labor pain: executive summary.” Am J Obstet Gynecol 186(5 Suppl Nature): S1-15.
Hodnett, E. D., S. Gates, et al. (2012). “Continuous support for women during childbirth.” Cochrane database of systematic reviews: CD003766.
Hofmeyr, G. J., V. C. Nikodem, et al. (1991). “Companionship to modify the clinical birth environment: effects on progress and perceptions of labour, and breastfeeding.” British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 98(8): 756-764.
Rates & Services
Labour Doula Services
Our Labour Doula Care Package A includes:
Free Initial Consultation to ensure we will be a good fit
Two Pre-natal home visits: Tailored to fit your specific needs
Continuous care during labour and birth
One to two hours of support directly after birth
Two at home post-natal visit
24 hour on-call doula service via email, phone and text from week 36 until two weeks post partum
Cost: $700
Our Labour Doula Care Package B includes:
Free Initial Consultation to ensure we will be a good fit
One Pre-natal home visit: Tailored to fit your specific needs
Continuous care during labour and birth
One to two hours of support directly after birth
One at home post-natal visit
24 hour on-call doula service via email, phone and text from week 36 until two weeks post partum
Cost: $600
Click Here to book your Initial Consultation or request more information about our Birthing Packages.
Pre-Conception Care
Pre-Conception care is for both men and women who are planning on conceiving and wanting to optimize their health and optimize their fertility with the goal of a happy and healthy pregnancy and baby. Pre-Conception care can start anywhere between three months to one year pre-conception. Naturopathic medicine offers support through lifestyle and diet, optimizing nutrition, decreasing risk, detoxifying the bodies and mental/emotional preparation.
How Can Pre-Conception Care Benefit YOU? So Many Ways!!
Improve fertility and chances of a healthy conception
Reduce incidence of miscarriage and premature birth
Improve health of sperm and egg
Increase overall health and energy during pregnancy
Empower parents through education on their own health and wellness
Decrease occurence of common pregnancy complaints
Decrease occurence and risk of complications during pregnancy
Decreased chances of birth defects
Decreased risk of post-partum depression
Decreased risk of allergy in baby
Decreased risk of learning disabilities in baby
Pre-conception care has also been found to help double the chances of success rates for assisted reproductive technology, if you are experiencing fertility issues.